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The sections below contain key published information and statutory returns for the organisation.

Financial information

Annual accounts for the last two financial years ending 31 August:
Relevant Department for Education funding agreements:
Trade union facilities time:

We are required to publish information in respect of employees who are relevant Trade Union Officials annually under the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017, which came into force on 1 April 2017.

Salary information:

We are required to publish information in respect of employees whose benefits exceed £100,000.

Gender Pay report:

We are required to publish information about the differences in average earnings between men and women. It is the difference between the hourly rates of pay of full pay on a mean (average) and median (middle) basis. Gender pay is not the same as equal pay reporting. We are an equal pay employer and ensure our pay is fair at every level.

Payment Practices report:

It is a statutory requirement for us to prepare a Payment Practices report. The latest report is available below:

Other information

Public Liability Documentation


Articles of Association